I have a blog? Really?

Oh, someone forgot to tell me I SHOULD be updating this more, but life has been hectic and a rollercoaster for us lately. Since my last post here's some of what we've been up to (pictures to follow very soon!):

I went on a road trip to Eureka Springs, Arkansas with three of my friends.

We went out to the duck pass and practiced shooting with Brea, who had her gun training test and PASSED!!

I helped host the annual Sloppy Jo Supper which is a fundraiser for the 5th grade Wolf Ridge trip and Post Prom. It was super successful yet again!

We celebrated the life of my Aunt Joyce who was reunited with God and many loved ones ... she will be dearly missed!

We landscaped around our house ... what a project that was! We aren't quite finished but three more plants to go and it is DONE!

I helped decorate the school for Post Prom - yee haw!! It doesn't even look like the school and gym when it is done. Fabulous job to everyone who helped!

Scott and I went to our friend, Steve's, birthday party. It was great to go and have a fun, low-key night with friends.

We went to watch the Prom Grand March and I went and helped at Post Prom ... dancing for two hours straight with the kids as they arrived! No need to workout this week ... it was all done that night. :)

And that is just the things I took pictures of! The rest is the rollercoaster part! Life is good.

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I *FINALLY* have a picture with Mom and Dad #2 that I can share on my blog so this shout out goes to two of my favorite people, Dave and Ka...